Hitchin Hub Day – Wednesday 15th February 2017 – Creating Sustainable Communities


Time Session Focus Content
Breakfast – 8.30 am to 10.00 am Socia-liase Theme: What is sustainability? Many people will initially think of it in terms of the environment. Over coffee we will chat about what how we interpret sustainability. Are the ways in which we are currently living our lives sustainable for us?
Brunch – 10.00 am to 12.30 pm Plenary and Discussion Sustainability in our communities and personal lives. We will hear from a range of speakers who will focus on the ways in which we can contribute to the health and future of our planet by sharing some simple tips with you. Your resident Psychologists will also talk about the importance of building sustainable personal relationships and the power of peer group support in aiding sustainable relationships.
Lunch – 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm Eat & Greet Theme: Strengthening our relationships over lunch. Catching up for lunch and chewing over the morning’s discussions in readiness for the afternoon’s delights.
Tea – 1.30 pm 4.00 pm Workshop * Sustainability in our businesses. Are the ways in which you are working, in your business or career, sustainable? Your resident Business Consultants will show you how to ensure that your business plans are sustainable. We will also hear from an expert on sustainable marketing.
4.00 pm onwards Catch up time Have you heard something of interest today? Come and share what you have learned over a few drinks. Catch up with us even if you couldn’t’ make the day – what one thing will you commit to in order to ensure that you are living in a sustainable way.